Well we are coming to the end of what has been a crazy year dominated by Covid-19 and in New Zealand our elections. Now we wait to see as well what transpires in the USA in January following the evidence of fraud in their elections.
Here's just a small selection of what we've been talking about on our social media over the past couple of weeks.
Covid Vaccines - The Facts:
Mask Mandate Madness
Air NZ & Ryan Air - Advertising Fails
Spot The Difference - Herd Immunity Definition Changes
Lockdowns Don't Work - NZ Study Published
W.H.O. Confirms PCR Testing Issues
NZ Vaccine Strategy
USA Elections
More details on these topics below. And a reminder to be sure to have signed up to our back up social media channel on Telegramand make sure you're on our mailing list so we can keep in touch plus you'll receive a complimentary copy of The Real News - a publication sharing the truth that we're supporting.
Covid Vaccine Facts
The most rushed vaccines ever developed.
The manufacturers have been given total immunity from liability if their experimental vaccines cause injury.
The clinical trials testing the safety of these injections are not finished, meaning that every member of the public that takes one is now a human guinea pig in an ongoing medical experiment with the population of the planet.
The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA are themselves part of an experimental class of vaccination that have never before been given to the public.
These vaccines have NOT been tested for their ability to prevent infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2 and are not intended to do so.
There is absolutely no long term data about these vaccines to determine what their effects may be on fertility, the potential for pathogenic priming or any other adverse side effects.
Mask Mandate Madness
It's just a mask, they said. Well, if your intuition is saying otherwise, this is the time to stand up and speak out about it: ask the obvious questions, start the conversation. Do you have any success stories or massive fails from trying to share some common sense with family and friends these holidays?! Drop us a line let us know at news@advancenz.org.nz. And don't forget you can grab your mask exemption form here - ideally you don't need this but we understand how it can make life easier and it's better than simply complying.
Air NZ & Ryan Air - Advertising Fails
"Covid Vaccines Are Coming" is the headline for the Ryan Air advert where upon a gleeful announcer confirms that "You can 'Jab & Go' " and letting us know there are 1 million seats on sale. "Book today! If your plans change, so can your booking!" Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the vaccines - you can't undo a Covid vaccination.
Air NZ had a similarly lame attempt at humour combining Christmas greetings with Santa, Air Hostess and Passengers including a child all masked up and as a result earning the label "100% Nice".
The only good thing about both these advertisements were the negative reactions from an encouraging number of the public (albeit that with the Air NZ one they deleted negative comments).
Spot The Difference - Herd Immunity Definition Changes
The World Health Organisation has suddenly decided to delete cell biology basics. It has literally changed the science in a Soviet-like way. It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website. It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterising the structure and functioning of vaccines. Meanwhile Dr. Anthony Fauci (who has his fingers in so many pies one loses track) has begun incrementally raising his herd-immunity estimate. How convenient for those vaccine manufacturers then that the "new science" is saying 90% + herd immunity required and that this herd immunity only exists at the end of a needle. Read more here.
Lockdowns Don't Work - NZ Study Published
The reality is that the use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most of the human population used as lab rats. The costs are legion.
John Gibson from University of Waikato wrote the paper "Government mandated lockdowns do not reduce Covid-19 deaths: implications for evaluating the stringent New Zealand response” published in New Zealand Economic Papers, August 25, 2020.
“The New Zealand policy response to Coronavirus was the most stringent in the world during the Level 4 lockdown. Up to 10 billion dollars of output (≈3.3% of GDP) was lost in moving to Level 4 rather than staying at Level 2, according to Treasury calculations. For lockdown to be optimal requires large health benefits to offset this output loss. Forecast deaths from epidemiological models are not valid counterfactuals, due to poor identification. Instead, I use empirical data, based on variation amongst United States counties, over one-fifth of which just had social distancing rather than lockdown. Political drivers of lockdown provide identification. Lockdowns do not reduce Covid-19 deaths. This pattern is visible on each date that key lockdown decisions were made in New Zealand. The apparent ineffectiveness of lockdowns suggests that New Zealand suffered large economic costs for little benefit in terms of lives saved.”
And remember this was back in August. Before Auckland locked down again and the ongoing border closures, which amount to a lockdown of sorts for an island country like New Zealand. Read the full paper here.
Could this be at all related to the fact that they're starting to roll out the vaccine globally and it would assist the narrative greatly if cases of Covid were to start to reduce?
Now of course the update is positioned as a routine update to advise those carrying out the testing to be sure that they're aware of the issues relating to false negatives and positives based on cycle thresholds (given that this is not a yes/no test but a test based on amplification). Essentially they're saying that thresholds need to be reviewed lower as cycling at high levels (25+) such as has been done in most countries is resulting in false readings. (eg NZ we have had confirmation through Official Information Act enquiries that our labs have cycle thresholds of 40 and 45.)
They also highlight that any results needs to be considered in combination with specimen type, clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information. You don't say! This is only advice coming in 12 months too late. At Advance we've been talking about the problems associated with PCR testing for months as have many others globally - to the extent that legal action has now been initiated.
Earlier this month Prime Minister, Jacinda Adern, announced the Government had secured enough vaccines for the whole of New Zealand, and was planning to vaccinate border workers from the second quarter of 2021 with the rest of the country from mid-year.
Two new agreements have been signed for two-dose vaccines: one for 7.6 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which will cover 3.8m people; and another for 10.72m doses of a vaccine from Novovax, enough for 5.36m people.
[NZ's population sits at just over 5 million of which approximately 1 million of us are aged under 16. So our PM has secured enough doses to vaccinate 9.16 million people with an eligible population of ~4 million...]
On election night, on Nov. 3, an assortment of anomalies were observed, followed by a large number of specific allegations of election fraud. As the integrity of the election continued to be questioned and evidence continued to emerge, most mainstream media, including New Zealand media, stuck to a one-sided narrative by calling the 2020 election the most secure in American history, and sought to silence opposing voices. The results of the 2020 election will not only decide the future of the United States, but also determine the future of the world.
The Real News
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