Toni Pengelly


Born in Christchurch and raised in Dunedin, Toni has been married 42 years with much of that time centered on caring for her three children, and she now also has three beautiful grandchildren.

Early on, Toni became involved in community work for the Red Cross and has continued throughout her life working in various community, fundraising and charitable roles. She opened an NZQA-accredited English language college, developing an accredited course for the education of teacher aides in schools, having identified a critical need for their improved training.

After an 11 year stint living in Sydney where she was involved in the Affordable Housing sector, Toni saw an urgently growing need in NZ society to every-day challenges. So in 2018, she established the BreakFree Foundation - a charitable trust aimed at supporting new and existing initiatives in the areas of community mental health, homelessness, training for life courses, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.

Toni’s sees the following as key objectives for the party in Parliament:

  • An urgent need for the writing of a clear and definitive Constitution and Bill of Rights protecting our democratic rights and sovereignty.
  • Review of all agreements with the United Nations and other international bodies, including Agendas 2021 and 2030.
  • Review of unfavourable trade deals and concessions to China.
  • Realignment with our traditional 5 Eyes Security partners Australia, USA, Canada and the UK and increased trade with these nations.
  • Improved protection the lives of the vulnerable for including our unborn, elderly and disabled.
  • Restoration of Social Justice.
  • Reform of local government.